Over the past 20 years, the bidding
process for major sporting events shows an increasing presence of emerging
economies. In turn, this has led to countries such as China, Russia and South
Africa hosting these events. The benefits accruing from hosting these tournaments
is often questionable, with numerous academic studies[i] showing there is almost
always a significant net economic cost. Nevertheless, the tendency for emerging
economies to host major sports events is set to continue. The logic for this is
First, sporting organizations’ links
with multinational corporations who stand to gain from increased access to large
newly-prosperous markets, means they will generally be favourable to bids from
emerging economies. For example, McDonalds used the 1976 Montreal Olympics as a
platform to meet Soviet Union bureaucrats to discuss their entry to Russia[ii]. Although it took 14
years to happen, McDonalds gained a foothold in a market of close to 150
million people. Russia now contributes $2.5 billion a year to McDonalds revenue
– about 9% of the total[iii].
Second – and closely connected to the
first reason - the hunger to acquire new audiences will always drive large
sporting organizations to new territories - 47% of the IOC’s revenue is
generated through broadcasting and 45% of its revenue is generated through
Similarly, the World Cup in South Africa in 2010 generated $2.4 billion through
the sale of television rights and $1 billion via marketing rights for FIFA.[v] When one considers the size
of television audiences in emerging economies and the potential of appealing to
their growing spending power (see graph below), it’s not difficult to see the
reasoning behind a shift towards these markets.
Source: McKinsey, Note 1: Consuming
Class defines expenditure >$10 per day.
Third and finally, in addition to
these push factors, there is a large pull factor to be considered: hosting a
major sporting event allows the leaders of emerging economies to provide some intangible
benefits to the electorate. A University of Utrecht paper[vi], suggests some of the
intangible benefits which make rational politicians (their words, not mine) want
to attract major sporting events are “nation branding, feelings of happiness
and pride and the improvement of social cohesion among residents.” Nation
branding deserves particular emphasis here.
Emerging economies by definition have
some catching up to do and hosting a major sporting event allows them to
suggest on some level – and with some justification - that the country has
“arrived” on the international scene. The language of opening ceremonies is
littered with phrases like, “Welcome to the centre of the universe!”[vii] (Winter Olympics, Sochi,
2014), “This is the African World Cup,”[viii] (World Cup, South
Africa, 2010) and “India’s big moment is finally here. India is ready.”[ix] (Commonwealth Games,
India, 2014). It seems that nation branding is very much part of the host
Nation branding can be sneered at, but
it has to be considered an important factor for emerging economies. A report into
a survey of Chinese and US students[x] noted that 65% of the
participants said they would be less likely to purchase a product because it
was made in China. It states that, “products made in China have a stigma
attached to them.” The survey results would probably be repeated across a range
of emerging economies. If well-staged, the event positions a country and all
that it offers in the best possible light.
the Process
Despite its benefits, nation branding
can still seem a little fuzzy when the economic costs of hosting major sporting
events are so large (and seem to spiral with every passing tournament). The
Sochi Winter Olympics cost an estimated $51 billion[xi] while the World Cup in
Brazil will total out at more than $11 billion[xii]. Will we ever learn to
run events affordably? The 1896 Olympic Games were held in Athens. They ran
1,000% over budget and Greece was bankrupt at the time[xiii] so the signs aren’t
overly positive!
However, there are some early
indications that despite ominous echoes from the past, some lessons are being
learned. This year´s World Cup in Brazil 2014 might transpire to be a turning point
for major sporting events. A FIFA delegate has said that, “the positive to be
taken out of Brazil is that we have learnt from it and will do things
differently next time.”[xiv] Likewise, the fallout
will almost certainly make sponsors think about whether they want the publicity
of being associated with these events.
Major sporting events such as the
Olympics and the World Cup will inevitably continue to be held by emerging
economies. In the past 10 years alone, cities such as Harbin in China, Almaty
in Kazakhstan and Havana in Cuba have bid to host one of the Olympic
tournaments. It could well be that what cities as diverse as these have in
common more than anything else is the need for a better use of public funds
than those required for a major sporting tournament.
See in particular http://ideas.repec.org/p/hcx/wpaper/0404.html
Also: Maenning, W., and Zimbalist, A., (2012). The International Handbook on
the Economics of Major Sporting Events, Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 9780857930262
[ii] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sponsored/rbth/business/8426082/Bringing-McDonalds-Coca-Cola-and-now-Cirque-du-Soleil-to-Russia.html
[iii] http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/08/business/international/western-businesses-in-russia-are-watchful-and-wary.html?_r=0
[iv] http://www.olympic.org/ioc-financing-revenue-sources-distribution?tab=sources
[v] http://www.fifa.com/aboutfifa/finances/income.html
Available at: http://www.uu.nl/SiteCollectionDocuments/REBO/REBO_USE/REBO_USE_OZZ/DP%202013/13-08.pdf
[vii] http://www.nbcolympics.com/news/evolving-russia-dreams-big-2014-winter-olympics-opening-ceremony
[ix] http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/03/AR2010100303490.html
[x] https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/thanks-but-no-thanks-to-made-in-china-2/
[xi] http://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2013/oct/09/sochi-2014-olympics-money-corruption
[xii] http://www.cnbc.com/id/101750395#.
Jennings, Will (2012). Olympic Risks. Palgrave and Macmillan. ISBN:
[xiv] http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/13/us-brazil-worldcup-megaevents-analysis-idUSKBN0EO0CJ20140613
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