Note from author: The content in this article isn't quite in keeping with the rest of the content on Sober Analysis as it was written for an entrepreneurial blog. Nevertheless, there are some aspects which hold true to the content, even if the tone isn't right. For that reason, it has been included here with the other articles.
Establishing company
value is exactly what a venture capital firm will be doing when they look at
your firm. How do they do this? The first point to note about valuations is
that there is no exact value for a firm. The value attributed to most firms is
a combination of available data, methodology and unfortunately…opinion.
Why unfortunately?
Well, it can actually be a good thing or a bad thing. We say “unfortunately”
because it means that you can never quite pin down the exact value of your
firm. But this can be a bad thing or a good thing, when you think about it;
now, nobody can tell you that you’re wrong – provided that your figures are at
least justifiable.
Let’s get going then.
The first thing to note is that the value of your firm is the sum of all its
future cash flows. Beyond how good your idea is (and it probably is pretty good
if you’re already reading this), beyond how many competitors are out there and
beyond your expertise in IT: how much hard cash is this company going to put in
the pockets of its owners?
And not just for the
next 12 months, but for the duration of the company’s life. This doesn’t seem
so easy to pin down, but relax, the methodology to finding a ballpark figures
isn’t that difficult. Once you follow a few short steps, which we are going to
outline here, the valuation will begin to look clearer.
There is just one
complication with valuing start-ups: no track-record to work with. So, valuing
stable firms with a history of financial statements and lots of comparable
firms is a piece of cake. Valuing a start-up early in its life-cycle is
trickier because you’re guessing more figures than you would be if you already
had a track record.
Think of it this way:
who would have guessed in 2004 that in a market that included MySpace, Bebo,
SmallWorld, FriendsReunited and others that Facebook would become an $80
billion company? That’s the kind of issue you’re dealing with when trying to
value a young tech start-up.
Okay, let’s get going.
The most important
things you have to estimate in this process are the cash flow and the rate at
which this cash flow will grow. Right now, there’s a good chance you’re not
getting any cash in. Don’t worry – this is a part of the process. Even Larry
Paige and Sergey Brin went through this phase at the beginning with Google.
You’re not expected to make cash at the beginning. If you do, it’s a bonus.
do I calculate cashflow?
This question is
straightforward but make sure that you understand it. The cash that we’re
looking for is not the amount of
cash that comes into the business. This is revenue. This is an extremely important point to note at the outset.
Too many entrepreneurs fail off the bat because they don’t grasp the
difference. Don’t fall into the trap of confusing the two.
what you get when one of your clients pays you for the product or service that
you’re offering.
Cashflow is
what remains after you’ve paid for your rent, the salaries of your employees,
office supplies, the internet bill, your ISP, that doughnut on your desk and
anything else that needs to be purchased. The residual is cash.
![]() |
Note to startup entrepreneurs: organize your cash better than this. |
You want to know why
Microsoft is worth so much? Because they make cash. A lot of it. Why is Google
worth so much? The same reason. And Facebook? Ah…you see…there’s where the second
part of the equation comes in. Facebook makes cash. But it is worth so much
because investors believe that the cash it makes is going to grow
It makes sense, right?
They’re not making massive amounts of cash now, but the idea is that they soon
will be. Just like your small business. It’s not in profit right now – but it
soon will be. Soon, you’ll be swimming in cash. The more your investors think
they’ll be swimming in cash with you, the more they’ll pay for your business.
Your second challenge
is to calculate growth. Don’t worry – as we’ve said before, nobody can get this
exactly right. Even investment bankers who have been working in valuations for
30 years can only get an approximation. Your job is to make it justifiable.
Your cash flow is going to grow 50% this year? Sure. Show us how.
Large growth figures
aren’t at all unusual in start-up firms. In fact, they’re expected. So if your
growth figures for 40% for next year, 40% for the year after and 30% for the
year after that – don’t worry. You’re not being ridiculous. By the sounds of
it, you’re probably even on the right track.
Just be aware that high
growth can’t last forever. Think about the logic behind this: you reach your
target market, get a good market share and where do you go from there? You’re
just supplying the same customers over and over, right? You can probably
release a premium version of your product or service and gain that little bit
more each year. In this way, it’s useful for a start-up to think of two
separate types of growth.
“Wait – two separate
types of growth? Growth is growth, right?”
correct! And all growth is good for your firm – never have
any doubt about that. But for the purposes of your valuation, it’s useful to
think about two types of growth: growth in the next five to ten years (which
will probably be double digit each year) and then a figure for long-term growth
(once your company is established, it won’t manage double-digit growth figures
each year).
Hopefully, this gives
you an idea of where you’re going with this. Right now, we’d like to give you
an example of what this all looks like in practise. Don’t worry if you’re not
familiar with accounting terms – nobody expects you to be. You’ll soon grasp
that all financial statements look very alike, whether it’s a small start-up or
a multinational giant. The only difference are the figures (naturally enough).
a small sample of what you can expect:
First of all, make sure
you can establish what your free cash flow looks like. You need to get a grasp
of where money is coming in and going out and where you expect it to come into
the business and flow out in the future. Work out this figure for as long as
you can into the future. You know this year’s cash flow and next year’s should
be reasonably easy as well. The year after is more difficult to foresee and so
on. As a general rule of thumb, you’ll need the next six years to make the
The first five years
will look something like this:
E(CF) is shorthand for
“expected cashflow.” If this is negative, write it in the equation as being
negative – no problem. The (1+r) part below
the line is what’s known as a “discount rate.” This isn’t easy to explain in
layman’s terms, so if you’re finding it hard to grasp the meaning of it, don’t
worry. There’s also a wealth of material online about the discount rate and what
it means. Basically, it’s a measure of how risky your business is.
The good news is that
as usual, nobody can provide an exact number for this. For a start-up, this
figure is just about always over 30%. It’s a much higher number than for other
types of companies because start-ups are much more risky. As time goes on, this
will lower – don’t worry.
The final part of the
equation is the horizon value or the terminal value. Remember what we said about
two different growth rates? –About one being a high growth rate for the short
term and a second, lower growth rate for the long term? The second growth rate
is dealt with by the terminal value, which looks like this:
Again, the CF
represents the cash flow. This time, it’s the cash flow after the cash flow you forecasted in the previous equation. So, if
you went to year 10 in the first equation (which would be ideal), this second
CF is year 11’s forecasted cash-flow. If you went to year 5 in the first
equation, this second CF would be year 6’s cash flow. Think of this second
equation as what happens later. And remember it’s just an estimation –
something you can justify.
Below the line is the
discount rate (which will be a lot lower here – use between 10% and 15%) and
the constant growth rate into the future. What do you predict your company to
grow at each year, on average, in the long term? Again, difficult to say! But
the industry standard is around 3% growth per year (in line with the economy in
general). If you say 3%, nobody will take you up on it. Therefore, below the
line you have 10% - 3% (0.1-0.03).
Now it’s just a matter
of adding the number you obtained from the first equation to the results you
obtained from the second equation. See what value shows up. Does it look
realistic? Be honest with yourself here. Lots of people move the numbers about
until they find a valuation they like. That’s not the way this works! You need
to be as honest with the numbers as possible and then and only then will you
find the value of your company. Again, don’t worry if this all seems
complicated. There’s so much material on the internet (and videos) that will
allow you to play around with figures that you’ll soon have a much better
handle on what’s happening!
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